Awards and HonorsThe Academy of Physical Therapy Research recognizes excellence in physical therapy research annually through a variety of awards and provides opportunities to both student and regular members via competitive awards. APTA National AwardsThe Awards Committee of the Academy of Physical Therapy Research (APTR) is seeking nominations for APTR support for the following APTA national awards: • APTA Emerging Leader Award (nominations due to APTR by May 15) To view descriptions and guidelines of the APTA awards, please visit the Honors and Awards page on the APTA website. John P. Maley AwardPlease note that this is a Academy of Physical Therapy Research Award; not to be confused with APTA’s Maley Award. Criteria for Selection
Nominations must include: Research Traveling Fellows AwardThis award is open to Academy of Physical Therapy Research members only. The purpose of this program is to facilitate direct interactions between junior and senior investigators. The program will allow up to 3 separate fellows to travel to the lab of their choice. Fellows will be responsible for defining the scope of the work to be completed during their visit. The expectation is that they will participate in structured research experiences designed to meet their specific long-term research program objectives. Awards will be limited to $3,500 per fellow. Applications are due by August 1. Traveling Fellows Application Student Travel AwardThe Academy on Research Student Travel Awards were created to recognize and reward DPT and PTA students who intend to pursue their research interests after graduation. Up to three awards of $500 each will be given for both National Student Conclave and Combined Sections Meeting to subsidize travel and registration costs. Applicants must be Academy on Physical Therapy Research members and currently enrolled in a (CAPTE-approved) DPT or PTA program. Highly regarded applicants will have a strong interest and experience with research and evidence based practice along with plans to continue be active in research in their physical therapy career. Preference will be given to applicants with a record of service to the APTA and the community and an appreciation of how attending a national conference will further their education and career path. |